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Vietnam weather in April

Hue and Hoian are just in early days of the hot season with average temperature of 27°C (81°F). It gets dry and there is almost no rain. This is the best time to enjoy your China Beach vacation in Danang.

The coastal Nha Trang is still enjoying fine sunshine with stronger sea breezes while Ho Chi Minh City is experiencing the hottest days of the year. Temperatures may peak up to 36°C (98 °F). It also begins to see some unexpected downpours, creating a minor danger of temporary floods.

note: this forecast for Vietnam weather in April was drawn from April of previous years.


April is not a crowded month in Vietnam albeit still in high season. If you plan to come around its National Liberation Day (April 30) and the International Labor Day (May 1), however, it is wise to do some homework.


Prices remain stable until the end of the month when massive locals (mainly office workers) rush for their valuable holiday of the year.

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