Vietnam Facts Tag: Hồ Chí Minh
There are totally 2 topics with "Hồ Chí Minh" included.
Vietnam weather in December
Hanoi and Halong will be cool and dry. The temperature may be down to +6 in late December, it is also wet and rainy. Snow in Sapa, with icicles in the water bottle in the morning.
Hoi An and Hue might be monsoonal. Danang to Nha Trang can get down to +20'C in december, rains stop in mid December. Ho Chi Minh City will be warm and dry. In general, December will be a perfect month to travel.
note: this forcast for Vietnam weather in December was drawn from December of previous years.
December is among popular travel months in Vietnam, advanced reservations are strongly advised.
Prices reflect the popularity of travel at this time plus the Christmas holidays and New Year Festival. »View details
Vietnam Overview
Vietnam is one of the most beautiful countries located in the South East Asia »View details
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